A Conversation about Hearing Loss

June 28, 2024

Hearing losses usually develop very slowly, so it is easy to not notice them creeping up on you.  If you are concerned about your own hearing, or that of a loved one, you can run a self check to give you some ideas. Hear Again, in Whangaparaoa, have an online self-check test, you are welcome to run through.

If you determin that perhaps hearing is affected but it may not actually be hearing loss it may be a case of blocked ears. Did you know approximately 5% of adults and 10% of children deal with blocked ears at any one time! If you’re uncertain whether ear wax is causing your hearing issue or whether an ear wax removal service can help, drop into Hear Again and their experienced staff will take a quick look free of charge.  Ear wax removal is quite a simple and painless procedure and you can read more about what causes it and ear wax removal online with Hear Again.

Another frustration you, or a loved one, may experience is that annoying ringing in your ears! So what is it?

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing sounds that aren't present in the external environment. It can manifest as ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistling, throbbing, booming, clicking, roaring, or a cicada-like noise. Tinnitus may consist of a single sound or multiple different sounds, and it can develop gradually or suddenly.

This condition is quite common, with most people experiencing it at some point, especially in quiet surroundings. About 20% of the population experiences persistent tinnitus, and for 4%, it significantly affects their quality of life.

Read more on what tinnitus is and how it can be combatted.

If you need support or hear advice remember Hear Again offer free hearing tests and also operate an in-home service if it's hard to get to their Whangaparaoa premises. The team are always happy to advise and help so you can "Rejoin the Conversation"!

Hear Again, Coast Whangaparaoa, 6 Main Road, Stanmore Bay, Whangaparaoa

0508-432-724 - info@hearagain.co.nz - https://hearagain.co.nz

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