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Hibiscus Coast Citizens Advice Bureau

Orewa Community Centre 40-46 Orewa Square
Area: Hibiscus Coast
Price Range:Community

We are a nationwide, but locally based, community organisation. We help people to know and understand their rights and obligations, and how to use this information to get the best outcomes. We provide people with the confidence and support they need to take action. We use insights from our clients’ experiences to work for positive social change. 

The aims of Citizens Advice Bureau are to:

  • ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities, or of the services available, or through an inability to express their needs effectively; and

    Me noho matāra kia kaua te tangata e mate i tāna kore mōhio ki ngā āhuatanga e āhei atu ana ia, ki ngā mahi rānei e tika ana kia mahia e ia, ki ngā ratonga rānei e āhei atu ana ia; i te kore rānei āna e āhei ki te whakaputu i āna hiahia kia mārama mai ai te tangata.
  • exert a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally.

    Kia tino whai wāhi atu ki te auahatanga o ngā kaupapa-ā-iwi me ngā ratonga-ā-rohe, puta noa hoki i te motu.
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