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(Note below are policies first for those candidates who have listed information with us - the rest can be found at - thank you to Policy NZ who have granted permission for us to reproduce the information below)

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

John Davies Albany Ward candidate
John Davies
Albany Ward and Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
  • Introduce within three months of election a direct contact technology that allows the community direct and visible access to their councillor.
  • Commit to keeping council focused on its basic deliverables as defined in law.
  • Deliver the aspirations of the entire community through amenity available to all, no matter Māori, Pākehā or from elsewhere.
Jake Law Albany Ward candidate
Jake Law
Albany Ward and Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
  • Utilise online tools and social media apps, improving youth and public engagement by reaching more community members.
  • Represent diverse communities by supporting a wider range of diverse candidates and community groups.
  • Focus on solutions and practical outcomes that are based on community feedback and need.
Wayne Walker Albany Ward
Wayne Walker
Albany Ward
  • Ensure effective accountability across council CCOs including Auckland Transport, Watercare, Tipuna Maunga Authority and Hauraki Gulf Forum.
  • Enable more local decision-making in council that is more directly accountable to the community.
  • Increase emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness across council operations especially as it goes to project delivery and value for money.

For all candidate responses on local democracy visit

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