Finding, revealing and promoting your true USP

June 28, 2024

For some standing out is important and others run for the hills, not for everyone.

Standing out in business is different. For the majority getting noticed is a key priority. But yelling things people have heard before won’t get through. They’re tired of hearing it and switch off. People want stories that make them change the way they think, true ones are most engaging. Businesses that say and do real things no one else can will get people talking.

In this busy world it's hard to stand out and therefore hard to get noticed but it is essential for you to be recognised to be found in the right places and to make sure you tell your potential customers what is your USP (Unique Selling Point).

Read more on how you can define your USP and if you want help in either identifying it or, once identified, how to then translate this into, and across, all your branding platforms so customers know exactly who you are and what you offer them call Chris at AllBrand who can help you take your business to the next level.

If you'd also like support with different issues you have in your business and don't have any, or many, sounding boards why not head along to a meeting of The Independent Board - Fresh Thinking, a group of small business owners, who work together on solving business issues!

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