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Linku2 SMART Plans

All local businesses are entitled to free listings
in all relevant categories.
Check through our above search bar if you are listed or to list your business (free or paid options) complete our

Check our FAQ on how we achieve audience targeted results for local businesses, check our Latest Stats
or check other promotion opportunities through our SMART Supplementary Plans plus check out our Features (as referred to below) ...

How we place your business in front of your target customers:

We do this by placing your links on our pages, and focus on optiming our pages
to get them to the top of Google organic rankings for your "Hibiscus Coast" keywords
and reach those customers who "Google it"

SMART Map Link

per month
Full business contact links
Listing and search results above free listings
Interactive Google Map link plus business name link listed in relevant Sections below map
Linked listing in all relevant regular Features

SMART Web Link

per month
Full business contact links
Listing and search results above free and Map listings
Approx 20 word business short description
Interactive Google Map link plus business name link listed in relevant Sections below map
Short description only SEO and schema programme for Google SEO rankings
Linked listing in all relevant regular Features

SMART Deluxe Link

per month
Full business contact links plus logo
Listing and search results above Map, Web Link and free Plans
Approx 20 word business short description with link to ...
Fully SEO optimised, personalised web page
Right column scrolling linked advert (shows on all Section pages)
Interactive Google Map link plus business name link listed in relevant Sections below map
Inclusion in social media programme
Full SEO and schema programme initiated for Google SEO rankings
Linked listing and scrolling advert in all relevant regular Features

SMART Sponsor Link

per month
Max six only per directory Section
Only one business type per section
Full business contact links plus logo
Listing and search results at
top of page
Approx 20 word business short description with link to ...
Fully SEO optimised, personalised web page
Right column scrolling linked advert (shows on all Section pages)
Linked advert at top of all Sponsored Section pages - six spots only per Section
One Sponsor only of any business type in each Section
Automatic right of renewal to hold Sponsor spot
Interactive Google Map link plus business name link listed in relevant Sections below map
Inclusion in social media programme
Full SEO and schema programme initiated for Google SEO rankings
Linked listing and scrolling advert in all relevant regular Features
Linked scrolling advert at the top of all relevant regular Features

Payment Options

SMART Link Plans can be paid either -
  • Monthly;
  • For a period of 6 months; or
  • For a period of 12 months - If you pay for 12 months you get a bonus 1 month FREE
If you pay monthly you contract to a minimum term of 6 months.

Understanding Online Business Promotion

It is often difficult for businesses to know where to spend their advertising dollars to be of greatest value to their business. Below are links to a number of articles that can give you a few insights.

Tips on how to reach your customers online

Facebook Ads v SEO v Linku2 Ads
linkedin facebook pinterest youtube rss twitter instagram facebook-blank rss-blank linkedin-blank pinterest youtube twitter instagram