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Welcome to Linku2 Hibiscus Coast Classifieds

As we launch our online classified ads we are offering a special available to 15 February 2025!

ALL adverts are self-uploaded and are just $10 + GST!!

Once uploaded and paid for your advert/notice will be sent for approval and published within 48 hours. Adverts are online for 30 days.

CLICK HERE for self-upload instructions and select your preferred option below

IMPORTANT NOTES: Your "Advert Title" is your advert teaser to get people to click to view your ad so make sure it is appealing | The optimal size for your image is 600 px wide x 315 px high | Public and Community Notices are free and always will be

Please be patient in our early days as we iron out any wrinkles in this service and please report problems or queries to - please also note adverts will not be published until payment is received.


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